08 Where do I upload my podcast episodes?

This episode of the Geelong Podcasters covers the essential steps for distributing your podcast, including choosing a hosting platform, generating an RSS feed, and getting your episodes onto major platforms.

Topics Discussed This Episode:

00:00 - 02:00 Introduction and explanation of podcast distribution.

02:00 - 04:00 Overview of podcast hosting platforms and their role in distribution.

04:00 - 06:00 How an RSS feed works and how it connects to podcast platforms like Apple and Spotify.

In this episode, we unpack the process of getting your podcast out into the world once it's recorded. A key step is selecting a podcast hosting platform, where your episodes will "live" online. Whether you choose a free or paid platform, both have benefits depending on the goals of your podcast—whether you're focused on growth or just starting out. With so many hosting services available, it's easier than ever to distribute your podcast, even if you're a beginner.

We also dive into the importance of the RSS feed, which is essentially the magic link that distributes your podcast across platforms like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. This episode makes it clear that while podcast distribution can seem intimidating, it’s a straightforward process once you have the right tools in place.

One key insight from this episode is the importance of choosing the right podcast hosting platform. Whether you opt for a free or paid service depends on your needs and goals—whether you’re podcasting as a hobby or looking to gather deeper analytics for business purposes. The host highlights that either option can be switched later on, making it less daunting to start with a free platform and upgrade as your podcast grows.

Another key takeaway is understanding the role of the RSS feed, which allows your podcast to be automatically updated across platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube Podcasts. By generating an RSS feed through your hosting platform, your podcast can be easily distributed to all major platforms, ensuring listeners can access your content wherever they prefer.

Make sure to check out our show notes for more detailed tips and upcoming events, and get started on sharing your podcast with the world today!

  • 0:00

    You've recorded a podcast episode, and now what, where does it go and


    how do I get it there? Welcome to Geelong podcasters, your weekly podcast for tips and tricks to grow your audience. We are a group of passionate podcasters located in Geelong and the bellerine in Victoria, Australia.


    If you're down our way at the end of the month, why not come to one of our free monthly meetup events and also find the booking links and more in the show notes. We're going to be talking about podcast hosting platforms, generating an RSS feed and distributing your podcast. Now, if that just seems like a lot of words. Do not worry. I'm here for you the best way that I have to explain when it comes to distributing your podcast. So let's imagine you've created your podcast, you've recorded it, you've sat down to figure out, okay, why am I making this and who am I making this for? And you've recorded your first episode, or maybe a trailer, and you're ready for it to go out into the world. How do you do that? Well, you do that by uploading your podcast and subsequent podcast episodes on what is called a podcast hosting platform. The way that I explain this to clients and people that I work with regarding podcasting is thinking about your podcast episode being a book in a library. The library is the place where the book is being housed, and that's where people know to go to to be able to get that book your podcast episode whenever they want to listen to it, consume it, download it, or be able to listen to it later on. That's how most podcasting works. And yes, you could technically do this yourself, but there are plenty of services, and also free services available to do all the heavy lifting for you. You do this does require a little bit of time and effort on your part to make sure that the podcast episode has all the information that the hosting platform needs, to make sure that they can showcase your podcast to the people who want to hear about it. And also it makes it easier for you to allow people to say, hey, follow my podcast. All they need to do is go to their podcast player of choice. It uses this it calls out to the podcast hosting platforms to get your podcast and it will be there waiting for them ready to listen to. So let me break down the three things that I mentioned at the top of this episode, a podcast hosting platform is a service that allows you to host your platforms in a digital space. Think of platforms like Libsyn, podbean, Spotify, for podcasters, YouTube podcasts. There are plenty of platforms out there, both paid and free that enable you to host your content online. Now I'm not going to get into the reasons between P between free and paid hosting platforms. That is for another podcast entirely. But essentially, when you're starting out, you do have the option to go with a more paid option if, say, for example, you want to invest a lot more time and effort and want to get a lot more data and information back regarding your podcast, following and growing it, then a paid service might be for you. But if you're doing this, say, as a hobby or maybe an addition to your business, and you don't have an existing market that you could guarantee income or sponsorships from, maybe starting with a free hosting platform may be the way to go. For the time being, you can always move your data or your hosting to another platform. This does take time, but to be honest, it's actually not as hard as people say it is. I've done like three this week to but essentially, what these hosting platforms are doing very much. Like a library is a place where you know your podcast is going to be held in a digital place where people can go to and they're going to create what is called an RSS feed. RSS feed, essentially, this is a really simplified version, essentially a link that you get provided where people can use this in their podcast, for players, sorry, in their podcast players on their phones or on their devices, and automatically goes out say, once every hour, once every two hours. To see, are there any updates on this particular feed for this podcast? If that's a yes, then they download the podcast, or they show the person who owns the device saying, hey, there's a new podcast from this player. It does this using the RSS feed. And when it comes to other platforms that you may be more familiar with, say, for example, like podcasts, like Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube podcasts, all of those other like Stitcher, podchaser, all those other platforms use the RSS feed generated by your podcast hosting platforms to get that information ready to go to be able to download to their device or listen to while streaming it from the actual podcast hosting platform of choice. Now I know. So this may seem like a lot of work, but ultimately, finding a platform that you can stick to giving it as much information that you can about your podcast, including descriptions, detailed information about what your podcast episode is about and who's it for, as well as other information that obviously will be given, and from there, you've uploaded and distributed your podcast. Congratulations. This podcast is sponsored by me, Zoe, the video confidence coach, connecting the dots of your personal brand with the power of video. See more in the show notes. Speaking of show notes, see all the show notes, including links upcoming events and details for this episode and many more in the episode description, or just go to Vcc dot training, slash Geelong dash podcasters, make sure you tune in for next week you.

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Group of people sitting at a table at a local Cafe. Geelong Podcasters July 2024 Catch Up Event.

Who are Geelong Podcasters?

Geelong Podcasters are a lively group of both professional and hobby podcasters based in Geelong and the Bellarine in Victoria, Australia. We release a weekly bite-sized podcast every Friday, exploring the wonderful world of podcasting, and host in-person catch-up events in the Geelong CBD on the fourth Friday of each month. Committed to community support, we regularly donate to local charities and use our podcasting efforts to make a positive impact.

Who is your Host?

Zoë Wood, your Video Confidence Coach connects the dots between personal branding and video marketing. Helping women and non-binary folk in small business, find their way in the world of marketing their passion without the energy drain.

Find out more about how to grow your personal brand with the power of video right here on vcc.training

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Geelong Podcasters acknowledges the Wathaurong people of the Kulin Alliance as the traditional custodians of the land on which this content was created. © 2024 Video Confidence Coach. All Rights Reserved.

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07 How do I get people to listen to my podcast?